Burgstädt/Saxony, the 01.01.2019:
This ISH – the world’s leading exhibition for water, heat and climate – that is taking place in Frankfurt am Main from 11. to 15.03.2019 will be a milestone:
“Emission-free heat supply in combination with optimum lifecycle costs that allow the latest climate goals to be achieved more quickly and ensure that everyone receives and has access to heat and clean air – these are the environment and social goals we want to reach with our heat technology.”
These were the words of the managing director of Lucht LHZ, Uwe Lucht, based in Burgstädt in Saxony.
“For the last 3 decades we have stayed on our path unwaveringly despite all the, often contradictory, energy strategies of governments and global energy companies. We develop and produce efficient electrical heat supply equipment for buildings and a wide range of application areas. If possible, the power should come from renewable energies. This is not a prerequisite, but it is the only way to convert independent, decentral power production via solar or fuel cells effectively into thermal energy for buildings. Our technology makes it possible to do without e.g. electrical heat pumps that work with cooling and carrier media. Decentral, emission-free generated power from solar or fuel cells can be converted directly into space heating energy with our electrical heat supply technology. In this way, energy-related transmission losses are effectively minimised and there is no consumption of raw material resources for heat pumps or heat distribution networks, or e.g. maintenance costs That is something that our customers and partners across the world appreciate.”
As he winks, Uwe Lucht says:
“In a way we are sort of supplying the first electrical car of the heating industry that is rapidly picking up speed across the world. Many countries, e.g. Germany who now has almost 40% green energy, no longer only use fossil fuels to produce energy. Even China, which is one of the leading emission producers in the world, is starting to rethink and restructure the supply and disposal to its population of almost 1,400,000,000. Lucht LHZ has been actively and successfully involved in this market for many years.
Be it a future model of a megacity, hotels, detached homes, containers as modern mobile homes or objects used temporarily, e.g. on buildings sites, holiday resorts or memorials or celebration places – Lucht LHZ offers optimised solutions with a wide range of applications.
Uwe Lucht is very certain that there will be no getting around decentral electrical heat supply technology even in Germany.
“What we are currently experiencing with E-mobility technology in the traditional fossil fuel-based automotive industry will also occur in the equally traditional heating sector.”
Emission-free, decentral electrical heat supply technology is the logical consequence of the development of the global E-strategy initiative that realistically has only just begun.
“We often forget that Germany is not really one of the forerunners in all areas. What is standard here is not always the best solution in other parts of the world because the conditions could be completely different. This is something we found with the electrical car. First, the lobby hindered the industry and then, when it noticed that other countries were further ahead and it was losing market shares, things became hectic which frequently lead to unfortunate results, dubious developments and needless costs.
This is really different at Lucht LHZ. We have not just been involved for the past three decades, we have often been right at the forefront of the market. We are currently expanding our position by introducing smart technology, the strategic selection of partners and our motivated employees.”
Of course Lucht LHZ wants and also needs to conduct business profitably, but is also has a social conscience and want to delivery clean air and heat to people. An there are unfortunately still many people across the world who have access to neither. The electrical heat supply equipment by Lucht LHZ has been making an important, uncomplicated and effective contribution for a long time.
“We have simply been on the right path for the past 30 years and our developers have found a few interesting technology ideas for the future. For instance, take a look at the bicycle: I thought this was just a story, but the E-mobility strategy has contributed to important improvements here. But there are also completely other lines of thought in our company. You can remain excited about what the future will bring,” says Uwe Lucht.
Exhibition tip:
Visits LUCHT LHZ at the ISH – the world’s leading exhibition for water, heat and climate that is taking place in Frankfurt am Main from 11. to 15.03.2019
Hall: 11
lebel: 1
Stand: B28
Our information for journalists:
Lucht LHZ supports the important work of journalists and media with up-to-date information and printable pictures with usage rights for media. If you use and publish any information or pictures without consulting us first, please state the picture source and send us a free copy and a PDF file of the publication.
Would you like an interview or more information or pictures?
Please contact us be e-mail. We will call you back promptly.
Email: presse@lucht-lhz.de
Thank you.
Information about Lucht LHZ Elektroheizung GmbH & Co. KG:
LuchtLHZ Elektroheizung GmbH & Co. KG, that is located in the town of Burgstädt in Saxony and has a production facility in the town of Hartmanndorf in Saxony, is a leading manufacturer of electrical space heating technology and/or electrical heating equipment in Germany. For around 30 years the company has been developing innovative products that fulfil all requirements of the standards and are used in all fields. The company’s 45-strong workforce (January 2019) produces high-quality, reliable and energy-efficient products that are sold on all continents. By means of targeted research & development, the company, under the management of the managing director Mr Uwe Lucht, endeavours to promote new products and solutions that are sold in more than 50 countries across the world. Climate and environment protection, and the improvement of the living conditions of all people by means of electrically-generated space heating with Lucht LHZ products are some of the values of modern companies. The LUCHT2025 strategy generated in the company is the mission that defines the goals and dynamic paths. The company organises planning and service workshops which play an important role in implementing the decentral emission-free E-technology strategy of the heating industry and making the use of renewable energies even more attractive and cost efficient. This means that Lucht LHZ practically supplies “the first electrical car of the heating industry”..