Press Reviews.

Lucht LHZ in the press.

What the press says about Lucht LHZ

Welcome to the press review of Lucht LHZ, your reliable manufacturer of high-quality electric heaters. As an innovation leader and experienced OEM partner, we are proud to be represented in numerous specialist publications and media articles as an expert in heating technology. Here you will find a selection of current reports in which our products and our expertise in the field of modern heating solutions are recognized. Find out more about the latest developments, success stories and pioneering technologies that make Lucht LHZ a preferred partner in the electric heating industry.

Europäisches Qualitätssiegel für Infrarotheizung für Lucht LHZ

Lucht LHZ receives first quality label for infrared heaters

Lucht LHZ Elektroheizung GmbH & Co. KG is the first company to receive the new quality label for infrared heaters...

TU Dresden vergleicht Flächenspeicherheizung und Infrarotheizung vom Hersteller Lucht LHZ

Choice of heating system depends on room usage

Study compares surface storage heaters and infrared heaters In a recent scientific study, the Technical University of Dresden compared two...

Flächenspeicherheizung (Teilspeicherheizung) von Lucht LHZ, Hersteller von Elektroheizungen für OEM-Partner

Panel heating plus solar system holds great potential

How does the heat output of an electric panel storage heater work in a room, and what can be deduced...

Elektrische Flächenspeicherheizung im Test: exklusive Studie mit TU Dresden

Electric panel storage heating is suitable for large main living areas

TU Dresden and electric heating manufacturer determine heat flows The electric heating manufacturer Lucht LHZ has had the heat output...

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