
GS mark & TรœV Nord certification for ISP-W DELUXE infrared heaters

A big step for OEM partner of LUCHT LHZ Elektroheizungen GmbH & Co. KG

We, LUCHT LHZ Elektroheizungen GmbH & Co. KG, have recently received the coveted TรœV Nord certification with GS test seal for our ISP-W DELUXE infrared heating series. The company’s manufacturing facility in Burgstรคdt and Hartmannsdorf was also certified, which is an important milestone for us as a company and you as an OEM partner.

The TรœV Nord certification is a recognized seal of approval that stands for safety and quality. By receiving the GS mark, LUCHT LHZ proves that our products meet the high requirements of the German and European market.

As an OEM partner, you benefit from our GS certification from TรœV Nord with these advantages:

1. The certification shows your potential customers that the ISP-W DELUXE infrared heating series meets the highest safety and quality standards. Your customers can be confident that they are purchasing a reliable and durable product. This will lead to higher customer satisfaction.

2. It will open up access to new markets for you. Since the GS mark is internationally recognized, you can expand your sales opportunities beyond national borders and increase your sales figures and market share.

3. with the seal of approval behind you, you can charge higher prices for the ISP-W DELUXE infrared heating series and increase your profit margins.

TรœV Nord certification is a trustworthy testament to the outstanding quality and safety of the ISP-W DELUXE infrared heating series, giving you and your customers the confidence to invest in a high-quality product.

The certification underlines the competitiveness of LUCHT LHZ in the segment of infrared heaters on the market. As a renowned German manufacturer, we demonstrably meet strict safety and quality standards and stand out from our competitors.


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