Perfect products.

That make their mark.
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Showroom: Electric radiators for OEM partners – directly from the manufacturer

At Lucht LHZ you will find a full range of electric radiators – Made in Germany. We develop and produce your electric radiator. Benefit from all advantages today and become an OEM partner!

Discover the complete range of electric radiators Made in Germany in our showroom.

If you have any questions or would like more information, contact us.

Wohnraumspeicherheizung bei LUCHT LHZ Elektroheizung
Duo Smart Heater
Badheizung elektrisch von LUCHT LHZ Elektroheizung
Bathroom heater
Infrared heater from LUCHT LHZ electric radiators
Infrared heater
Konvektorheizung Direktheizung von LUCHT LHZ Elektroheizung
Convector heater
Kombiheizung von LUCHT LHZ Elektroheizung
Combination storage heaters
Infrarotheizung + Designheizung von LUCHT LHZ Elektroheizung
Design heater
Teilspeicherheizung von LUCHT LHZ Elektroheizung
Partial storage heater
Wird geladen.

Duo Smart Heater

The Duo Smart Heater electric storage heater is an electric radiator with a well-insulated heat storage tank made of premium storage stones and heating elements in between. Compared to other electric storage heaters, it has the largest storage volume and stores the most heat over the longest period of time. It releases this heat when required, controlled by a thermostat.

Mehr erfahren

Become an OEM partner and benefit from these advantages:

  • 35 years of experience: We are a manufacturer of innovative electric radiators made in Germany.
  • Highest quality standards: We produce high-quality, durable and safe electric radiators for you in compliance with all specifications of national and international standards, directives and laws.
  • Full range of electric radiators: We produce all types of electric radiators for you and develop new products for you and with you.
  • Modern and efficient production: We reliably produce even large quantities of electric radiators for well-known OEM partners, have a large warehouse incl. dropshipping.
  • White label electric radiators: We supply you as a reseller with electric radiators with your brand label.

Learn more and become an OEM partner

Catalog request & inquiry

Thank you for your interest in our electric radiators.

Do you have a question? Please fill in the contact form. You will receive an answer from us promptly – also by phone, if you provide your phone number. Or find the right contact person for your request on our contact page.

We will gladly send you our current product catalog by mail. In this case, please indicate your address in the form.


    LUCHT LHZ is a partner of the Saxony Environmental and Climate Alliance
    LUCHT LHZ is a member of IG Infrarot.
    LUCHT LHZ is a member of ZVEI - Association of the Electrical and Digital Industry
    Crefozert 2024 for excellent credit rating for Lucht LHZ: manufacturer of electric radiators